Work Experience
Conservator, Time-Based Media, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 2023- present
Responsible for conserving and preserving the museum’s collection of roughly 200 time-based media artworks. Oversee the acquisition, installation and loan exams of media artworks. Perform technical examination, documentation, treatment and migration of TBM works, including slide, film, video, software-based, electronic and performance.
Director of Media Collections and Preservation, Electronic Arts Intermix, 2021-present
Oversee the technical stewardship of a collection of 5,000+ media artworks. Preservation planning, migration of analog and complex digital media artworks. Strategic long-term planning for digital conservation.
Adjunct Faculty, New York University, 2021-2022
Co-instructor for ‘Handling Complex Media’, a seminar course that introduces students to the primary issues and emerging strategies for the preservation of time-based media works that go beyond single channels/screens.
Digital Archives Assistant, New York Public Library, 2021
Support workflows for the management of born-digital collections items, migrate materials from digital media and stage them for long-term preservation and access.
Fellow in Media Conservation, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2020-2021
Embedded within the Photographs Conservation department, advised and assisted in establishing best-practices for the conservation of time-based media artworks in the collection.
Fellow in Media Conservation, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), 2018-2020
Collaboratively working to determine best approaches for the preservation, restoration or media migration of time-based media artworks. Responsible for the ongoing care of media artworks, including technical examination, conservation treatment, documentation and general collections care.
Digital Project Archivist, Wildlife conservation Society (WCS) Library and Archives, 2016-2018
Digital project archivist for a legacy media archives project funded by the Leon-Levy Foundation. Established and implemented a forensic workflow for transferring data on legacy removable media using open-source digital preservation tools. Developing policies and procedures to ingest data into a digital repository system.
Media Conservator, Allied Productions, 2016
Collections survey, assessment, arrangement and re-housing for Allied Productions and Naked Eye Cinema's audiovisual and paper archival holdings.
Media Preservation Assistant, NYU Bobst Library, Barbara Goldsmith Preservation and Conservation Department, 2014-2016
Condition assessment of film, video and audio, supported in the digitization of video and audio recordings for long-term preservation. Conducted research on the special collection’s media holdings.
Media Conservation Internship, Kramlich Collection/New Art Trust, 2016
Preparation of Archival Information Packages for ingest into the collection’s digital repository. Creation of preservation description information for digital assets, editing and validating METS XML records.
Media Preservation Assistant, NYU Bobst Library, Barbara Goldsmith Preservation and Conservation Department, 2014-2016
Condition assessment of film, video and audio, supported in the digitization of video and audio recordings for long-term preservation. Conducted research on the special collection’s media holdings.
Archive Fellow, Smithsonian Institution, Ralph Rinzler Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, 2015
Management and creation of a workflow for ingesting born-digital video assets into the SI-DAMS. Archival and content management workflow and policy development for born-digital files in an active media production environment.
Audiovisual Archive Intern, New York Public Library Film and Video Reserve, 2014
Archival processing, inspection, and cataloging of 16mm and 35mm film collections. Created finding aids, inspected and maintained film projection equipment.
Assistant Librarian, Biblioteca Francisco Oller, Escuela de Artes Plásticas, 2012-2014
Archival processing, scanning and cataloguing of an institutional photograph and print collection, assisting in the management of a specialized Art Library at a higher education institution
Film Restoration Apprenticeship, Filmoteca Cataluña, 2008
Condition assessment on the archive’s nitrate film collection. Cleaned, repaired and prepared film for scanning and exhibition. Performed preliminary digital restoration using Diamant Film Restoration suite
M.A. in Moving Image Archiving and Preservation, 2016
New York University, New York, USA
M.A. in Cinematography and Film Production, 2008
Escola Superior de Cine i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (ESCAC), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
B.A. in Visual Arts and Photography, 2007
Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Conservation: treatment, documentation, technical examination and condition assessment of contemporary art and time based media artworks.
Collection Management: TMS, FileMaker Pro, ArchivesSpace, Collective Access, Archivist Toolkit.
Digital Preservation: BitCurator, Archivematica, Arkivum, BagIt, MediaInfo, Fixity tools, FFmpeg, Git, KryoFlux, FC5025, Forensic Toolkit (FTK), Arduino microcontrollers.
Design and video editing: Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut Pro, Pro-Tools, DaVinci Resolve, Audacity, Flash.
Programming languages: Max/MSP , Pure Data, JavaScript, SQL, Python.
Languages: Native in English and Spanish, limited working knowledge of Portuguese and Italian.
Select Media Preservation Projects
Consulting, preservation assistance and archival management: Mari Mater O’Neill, Meredith Monk Foundation, Anita Thacher and Estate, Jack Waters & Peter Cramer (Naked Eye Cinema), Diego Echeverria.
Co-organizer of APEX (Audiovisual Preservation Exchange):
APEX Chiapas participant (2022),
APEX Puerto Rico (2019),
APEX Santiago (2016),
APEX Buenos Aires (2015)
Co-organizer of Community Archiving Workshops:
Archivo Histórico de Vieques (2020),
Scribe Video Center (2017),
Señal 3 Televisión Comunitaria (2016),
Downtown Community Television Center (2016)
Awarded Project Grants:
Digital Preservation Consultant for the Oral History project, ‘Listening to Puerto Rico’, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, (2021-2023)
CLIR Recordings at Risk grant (2022-2023)
SAA Foundation Growth Award (2020)
National Film Preservation Foundation (2022, 2020, 2017 and 2016)
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Preservation Assistance Grant, University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Film & Theater Research
Awards and Service
Collectives and professional memberships
XFR Collective Core member
Archivistas en Espanglish member
American Institute of Conservation - Electronic Media Group Assistant Program Chair (2023)
Residencies and fellowships
Signal Culture Researcher in Residence, Oswego, New York (2017)
Puerto Rico delegate for the International Federation of Film Societies Forum, Tunisia (2013)
Flaherty Film Seminar Fellowship, New York (2011)
Curatorial, research & other esoteric expressions
I host a monthly radio show called La Guardarraya at 8ballradio. The category is: Salsa-core.
In 2019, I co-curated a film series at Spectacle Theater, titled La Bodega Sold Dreams, centered on Nuyorican exploitation film, non-fiction, YouTube rips and other registers of boricuas al otro lado del charco.
In 2019, I was part of the We Tell: Fifty Years of Participatory Community Media research team. We Tell: 50 Years of Participatory Community Media, is a national traveling exhibition that chronicles the hidden histories of place-based documentaries that situate their collaborative practices in specific locales, communities, and needs for social and political change.
I do English to Spanish and Spanish to English translations for film screenings and media theory texts.
I have performed live-subtitling for repertory film screenings at venues such as Anthology Film Archives, BAM, Film Society of Lincoln Center among others.